Українська English


Serhiy Blavatskyy, Candidate of Social Communications, Senior Research Fellow The Press Studies Research Institute The Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv

The specificity of the Vasyl Stefanyk’s socio-political representation in the Austrian press (1895–1918)

The article makes an attempt to accomplish a comprehensive research of the Vasyl Stefanyk’s socio-political activities in the corpus of the Austrian periodicals during 1895–1918 time period. The scientific novelty of our paper is that we introduce here in the Ukrainian (as well as foreign) socio-humanitarian discourse of archeography, bibliography and press studies new, previously not elicited, foreign-language (i.e., in German) press publications about lifetime, creative path and mainly — socio-political campaign of Vasyl’ Stefanyk. For the first time we have elicited 72 (seventy-two) publications in the press of Austro-Hungary of the stated period containing mentions about Stefanyk. Methodology. In this research we have mainly used qualitative methods of scholarship, specifically, method of archival and bibliographical heuristics as well as historical methods, in particular the method of diachronic comparative analysis and the method of “structured, focused comparison” (Alexander, George L. (1979). Research findings. Conclusions. The diachronic comparative analysis of the corpus of publications in the Austrian press enabled us to elucidate that the Austrian socio-democratic newspaper Arbeiter=Zeitung attributed most attention to the socio-political path of Stefanyk. We have elucidated common and different approaches to interpretation of socio-political life of V. Stefanyk in the reception of both the central Austrian, and regional publications. It has been determined that the Viennese press mainly analyzed and accentuated the V. Stefanyk’s socio-political representation in the context of counterpoints of his lifetime. On the contrary, the Austrian regional (in particular, that of Bucovina) press predominantly emphasized the election campaign among different Ukrainian political parties and socio-political activities of V. Stefanyk in the context of organizational processes of 1910s in the Western Ukraine (in particular, emergence of local cells of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen (USS).

Keywords: Vasyl Stefanyk, press, representation, socio-political activities, Austro-Hungary, Austrian, specificity.  

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