Українська English


Mariya Pirko, PhD, Scientific Researcher of the Scientific Bibliography Department, Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv
Bohdan Yakymovych, Doctor in Historical Sciences, Professor of Depart¬ment of Library Studies and Bibliography, Ivan Franko National Univer¬sity of Lviv

Publishing house “Izmarahd”: ideological and culturological conditions of creation and activity

After the failure of the liberation struggle of the 1917–1920s, Ukrainian lands became again divided between neighboring states. The way to saving Ukrainian identity under the authority of the Second Republic of Poland was through the establishment of a narrow dialogue with all parts of the society. Understanding could be achieved by bringing a printed word to each town, village, and every Ukrainian family. It became the main task of national societies that began to work during Ukrainian-Polish confrontation.
Cooperatives and unions, financed through large authorized and working capital played a leading role in the Ukrainian publishing movement in in¬terwar Galicia. The article is an attempt to analyze the issues of the editions of publishing cooperativ “Izmarahd”, which, in our opinion, had a great influence on the formation of the consciousness of the Ukrainian people who was found themselves under Polish rule.
Material and organizational problems forced publishing house “Izmarahd” to learn in detail the demand for a printed word, to select the subject of publications more carefully, to find the best ways to submit the material, and to improve the book distribution system. The topics of books of “Izmarahd” consisted of publications of professional translations and original Ukrainian works, which helped to restore the cultural ties of Ukrainians of the East and the West. The cooperative had its own bookstore, the fund of which was represented by Ukrainian and Polish publications of publishing houses in Ukrainian lands and in exile.
Some editions of the “Izmarahd” cooperative, which were distinguished by a high level of printing and art, received literary prizes and awards at international exhibitions. Despite the desire to cheapen books, publishers took care of artistic design of printed matter, enriched texts with illustrative material. The organization widely used advertising in magazines, press pub¬lications (because in the reading practice of the peasants periodicals pre¬vailed over books), its own books. Readers were not offered “dry” lists of books, but their characteristics and evaluation, not only to satisfy but to shape the tastes of Ukrainian people.

Keywords: publishing cooperative “Izmarahd”, Mykhailo Matchak, uk¬rainian issues, books distributed, national conscioness.

Full text

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