Українська English


Zoriana Hren



The article emphasizes the role of prominent British journalist and writer, expert on Central and Eastern Europe and energy and cyber security Edward Lucas for the formation of the Ukrainian media space and the implementation of world standards of quality journalism. In particular, special attention is paid to the study of his author’s texts published in Ukrainian publications during the 1990s – 2021, in particular in the magazine The Ukrainian Week and the The Day newspaper. The main genre forms of E. Lucas’s journalism are singled out, in particular the article and the author’s column embodied in the genre of commentary, political portrait, version, review, analytical article.
The main thematic dominants of publications are identified (international politics and economics, political process in countries that are key players on the world map, US and European foreign policy, collective se curity issues, information wars, Britain’s exit from the EU, growing threat from Russia and China, consequences of the pandemic). The peculiarities of E. Lucas’ stylistics (bright language, expressive and evaluative vocabulary, metaphors, breadth of generalizations) are noted. Personalized content and biographical-memoir elements of texts are singled out.
It is emphasized that Lucas’s journalism is based on a deep study of historical and economic processes, mental characteristics, interests of various strata of national societies, political contradictions within the governments of nation states, as well as supranational entities such as the European Union and NATO.
The social and journalistic reception of Edward Lucas’s journalism in the Ukrainian media is studied and examples of its influence on the socio-political life of Ukraine are given.
Keywords:  Edward Lucas, journalism, political journalism, colum nism, information warfare.

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