Українська English


Ohar Emiliya

The Ukrainian book journalism: institutional prerequisites of functioning


The article describes the basic prerequisites for functioning of a phenomenon of the Ukrainian book journalism as a kind of cultural journalism. At present an increased attention to the cultural journalism from scholars and media experts is caused by the activation in sphere of the Ukrainian cultural management supported by long-term EUEastern Partnership Programme Culture and Creativity (2010―2018s).

The subject of the study are both actual infrastructure of media (web portal, TV and broadcast media, blogs and vlogs) generating relevant content, as well as media workers (critics, bloggers, experts) working in this field. The generalized semantics of the terms «book journalism» and its derivatives ― «book mass media», «book journalist», have been justified.

The main attention is paid to communicative efficiency of media specializing in topics related to the events and facts of the cultural life of society, especially literature and publishing (LitAzkent, Bukvoyid, Chytomo, BaraBuka, Space of Ukrainian Children’s Literature, UA: Ukrainske Radio, UA:Pershyi, UA: Kultura,, and so on).

The most «painful points» of the Ukrainian cultural journalism, specifically those of the book journalism, have been outlined. Those are a lack of creative human resources, unwillingness/inability of journalists to communicate meaningfully and accessibly to a wide audience, as well as unpopularity of this type of journalism among media professionals.

The specific criteria for assessing the professionalism of a book journalist are described, among them deep knowledge in the field of literature, book business, media; involvement in cultural processes, developed literary and art taste, rhetorical skills in popularizing special knowledge, ability to stable and regular work and so on.

Prospects for the development of book journalism depend on the changing attitudes of society to culture, as well as a growth of popularity of book topics in non-mainstream media

Keywords: сultural journalism, book media, book topic, literary criticism, book journalist.

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