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Drozdovska Olesia

Artym Khomyk (1878―1921): stages of life and journalistic activity


In the article, Artym Khomyk’s linear biography is supplemented by little-known facts about his public and creative activities. The schol arly interest to his writings and journalistic heritage is emphasized, specifically, that of published in the journals «Volia» (Vienna, 1919―1921s) and «Na Perelomi» (Vienna, 1920). Three periods of A. Khomyk’s life and creative activities have been  etermined: Galician, Great Ukraine (so-called Naddniprianskyi) and Viennese. His productive journalistic activities in 1917―1918s, yet remaining out of the scholarly discourse, have been noted. It has been elucidated that besides the daily «Vidrodzhennia» (Kyiv, 1918)’s cooperation, he collaborated with newspapers «Nove Slovo» (Vinnytsia, 1918), «Poltavska Hromada» (Poltava, 1918) and «Ukrainska Respublika» (Kyiv, 1918). Approximately 40 authorized journalist’s texts have been identified and introduced into scholarly circulation. It has been accentuated A. Khomyk was the author of unsigned editorials in the daily «Vidrodzhennia». His creative heritage is represented by articles on topical issues of the political, social, economic and cultural life of the UNR (Ukrainian People’s Republic (of the periods of the Ukrainian Central Council and Directory) and the Ukrainian State of Hetman P. Skoropadsky. It has been established that his brother, the journalist Oleksandr Khomyk’s contributions, was published (under the pseudonym «A. Zhabchenko») in the newspaper «Ukrainska Trybuna» (Warsaw, 1921). It has been proved that the periodicals «Vilne Zhyttia» (Odessa), «Narodna Volia» (Olyphant), «Svoboda» (Jersey City), «Ukrainskyi Holos» (Winnipeg), «L’Europe Orientale» (Paris) featured reprints of the A. Khomyk’s publications from the daily «Vidrodzhennia» and the weekly «Volia». During the Viennese period, besides contributing to the magazines «Volia» and «Na Perelomi», he collaborated with the magazine «Smikh» (probably his publications were signed by the pseudonym «A. Nekhomyk ») and the newspaper «Borotba». A. Khomyk is one of the many figures of the Ukrainian journalism giving all their creative energy to help the audience to gain guidance in the turbulent developments of that period and to choose the right vector for the development of Ukrainian statehood during the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917―1921s. The entire complex of his journalistic and publicistic heritage deserves being an object of separate scholarly research.

Keywords: Artym Khomyk, linear biography, journalistic and publicistic activities, newspapers «Vidrodzhennia», «Nove Slovo», «Poltavska Hromada», «Ukrainska Respublika».

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