Українська English

Vasyl Gabor

Candidate of Science (Philology), Senior Research Fellow,
Senior Researcher at the Press Studies Research Institute
Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv
(Lviv, Ukraine)


Mykhailo Kachanyuk as the editor of the newspaper «Rusyn» (1923): attribution of authorship and image factor

In the article, the authorship of thirty-seven publications encompassing cultural, literary, and progressive themes, alongside theater reviews, critiques, six art pieces, and five translations by the lesser-known repressed Ukrainian writer, publicist, literary critic, translator, and editor Mykhailo Kachanyuk (1889–1937) has been analyzed and clarified. These works were published in the pages of the Uzhhorod daily newspaper «Rusinъ» (1923) and its il lustrated supplement «Nedilya Rusyna» (1923) under the pseudonyms M. Sіriy (M. Сѣрый) and M. Tonya, as well as the code names М. С., М. Т., С. М., К., М., С. and without specified authorship.
The attribution of authorship for many publications and original works of M. Kachanyuk, especially those lacking signatures, was established based on his publication «Natsionalna kultura» (Uzhhorod, 1923) and his epistolary legacy. Additional sources involved the memoirs of Czech scholar F. Tichý under the name of «Uzhhorod 1923» (Perechyn, 1992), polemical discussions in the press, and an analysis of the thematic direction and stylistic features of his writing.
M. Kachanyuk’s comprehensive publications significantly influenced the qualitative standard of the «Rusinъ» newspaper and its image, enabling the publication to acquire a universal character and leaving a vivid mark on the Transcarpathian press in the early 1920s.

Keywords: Mykhailo Kachanyuk, editor, Rusyn newspaper, Nedilya Rusyna supplement, attribution of authorship, image factor, publications.

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