Українська English


Emiliya Ohar

Doctor of Sciences (Social Communications), Professor Ukrainian Academy pf Printing in Lviv (Lviv, Ukraina)


Abstract: Thе article is devoted to main trends of the developing Ukrainian periodics for children and adolescent in 2000–2011.
The research of the features of the repertoire of the Ukrainian children’s magazines in 2000–2010 from the perspective of the history of the modern Ukrainian press makes it possible to recreate the conventional «portrait» of a children’s magazine of the transition period and to describe the ‘communicative effectiveness’ or ‘functionality’ of a magazine for children and youth of the transition period in general.
The aim of the article is to analyze the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the outlined group of magazines that appeared during the period of significant commercialization of the media market and the transformation of the publishing sphere – from paper to digital, assesses the functional potential of magazines for children at the time in terms of their ability to respond to the needs of a modern reader – a growing up child in the age of digital technologies.
The main consequences of the commercialization of Ukrainian publishing sphere in general and publishing of magazines for children in particular are described, such as: the catering for the general reader in order to increase circulation and as a consequence – the dominance of multifunctional polythematic magazines; the lead of entertaining texts over literary and informative, digitization and «inetrnetazition» of traditional print magazines, the emergence of convergent publications, in which content was placed on different platforms; replacing creativity with standard commercialized approaches; attraction in publishing approaches to mass culture; dominance in the layout and design of publications of the aesthetics of animation with screen iconography or its imitation; publication of bilingual – Russian and Ukrainian – versions of one magazine, rapid spread of licensed Russian-language gloss magazines, etc.
The special attention is paid to the problem of the massification of periodicals for children – magazines that took on a canon-forming function and nurtured new generations of readers with an undemanding, uncritical aesthetic taste.

Keywords: press for children, repertoire of children’s magazine, communicative effectiveness, transition period, commercialization of publishing sphere.

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