English Українська

DOI: https://doi.org/10.37222/2524-0315-2019-11(27)-4

Marianna Movna, Junior Researcher in Department of Scientific Bibliography, Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv

Local bookwork of Ukrainian publishing houses of Galicia in 1930s: repertoire, publishing series, fact-based content


Problems of historical local studies, in particular diachronic research of local-history area, become especially significant at this point. This is due to the process of national and cultural revival, started over in 90s of the 20th century, the necessity of entrenchment in human consciousness of the idea of value of the native land, the birthplace, local patriotism where the sources of general Ukrainian identity are hidden.

Real benefits of tireless work of the generations of the domestic intellectuals before us in the form of increase of the national Ukrainian self-consciousness, raised interest to the native language, culture, history of cities and villages, tourism development and visiting preserved heritage assets became obvious in the 30s of the 20th century. All these factors resulted in the increased demand for local-history publications that started increasingly appearing in the Ukrainian book market. That is the reason why local bookwork of Galician publishing houses of 1930s, its repertoire, publishing series and fact-based content became the subject of consideration in the present article. Here we apply a selective approach to the study of bookwork of Galician publishing houses, focusing research attention on little-known and sometimes forgotten publications.

Local-history subject matter is widespread in the bookwork of Galician publishing houses and publishing societies of 1930s. The mainstream of this period was lack of specialized local-history publishing houses due to insufficient publishing base and lack of professional authors as well as non-competitive conditions on part of Polish publications in the market of travel literature. That is why local-history literature was mostly published in localhistory series of overall profile publishing houses or in special or separate books, published by publishing centers of Lviv and the county cities and towns of Galicia. As far as the content was concerned, the publications containing regional/local historical issues were mostly scientific and popular ones. In general, there were 29 books containing local studies, and 14 books of ten series and out-of-series editions have been considered in this article using selective approach. Local bookwork of Galician publishing houses of 1930s significantly facilitated the development of the Ukrainian local studies and preservation of our people’s historical memory..

Keywords: history, regional production, publishing houses, series, Ukrainian, Halychyna.

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