Українська English

Olga Osadtsya, senior researcher of the Research Institute for Art Library Resources, Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv, Candidate of Art Studies

Spiritual choirs of Ivan Lavrovsky: source research review (based on the materials of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv)


The article analyzes the source-based research base of the composer’s work in the genre of sacred choral music of one of the most famous composers of the “Przemysl school” — Ivan Andriyovych Lavrivskyi (1823–1873). It was noted that in the funds of the Lviv Scientific Library of Ukraine named after V. Stefanyk preserves a whole set of source materials, primarily sheet music manuscripts and prints of spiritual choirs of the composer. The amount of sheet music materials, chronological framework, presence of autographs, ways of origin and arrival to the fund collection were established and clarified. The appendices provide a comparative table and a bibliographic index of spiritual choirs by I. Lavrivskyi. It was concluded that the combination of discovered sheet music sources with various scientific literature makes it possible to more thoroughly investigate the work of the composer in this genre, with the further expansion of the geography of searches, and their processing taking into account the modern requirements of scientific bibliography.

Keywords: Ivan Lavrivskyi, manuscripts of musical works, church choirs, bibliographic review, musical source studies.

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