Українська English


Olga Osadtsya, Candidate of Art Studies, Senior Researcher of the Research Institute for Art Library Resources, Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv

Poetry of Oleksandr Oles in the musical interpretation of Yakov Stepovy (on the example of the vocal cycle “Pisni nastroyu”)

The article describes the dramatic, formative and musical-expressive means in the vocal cycle of the Ukrainian composer Yakiv Stepovy (1883–1921) “Pisni nastroyu” (“Songs of Mood”) on the poem by Oleksandr Oles. It is emphasized that singing as a notable feature of the composer’s talent determines the mood-intonation structure of his works, the nature of tonal and harmonic connections, methods of development, construction and deployment of structures, the specifics of instrumental texture. Steppe is drawn to the music associated with the word; his bright creative individuality affected the develop¬ment of Ukrainian romance. His romances are closely connected with the fi-gurative and intonational content of folk songs, especially lyrical ones. Versatile reproduction of a person’s sincere feelings, thoughts and experiences are close to the inner world of the artist. Romances contrast with each other figurati¬vely, tonal and textural. Comparing the two cycles of Stepovyj (“Barvinky” and “Pisni nastroyu”), we note a somewhat new approach to the problem of communication between words and music in “Pisni nastroyu”: there is a greater integrity of the cycle. Romances are small in size, but richer and more capacious.

Keywords: Yakiv Stepovy, Oleksandr Oles, composer, poetry, romance, interpretation, image, melody, piano accompaniment.

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