Українська English


Olesia Drozdovska, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow The Press Studies Research Institute Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv

Commemorating the Vasyl Stefanyk’s memory in the Ukrainian Galician press in 1937

The article collected, systematized and analyzed materials dedicated to the memory of Vasyl Stefanyk, published in 1937 in the Ukrainian newspapers and magazines in Galicia. These publications tailored to a wide readership: children, students, women, adherents of various political trends and areas of social interaction. Sources of empirical material in the study are newspa¬pers and magazines “Dilo”, “Dzvinochok”, “Hromadskyy Holos”, “Kameniari”, “Kooperatyvna Respublyka”, “Meta”, “Nasha Kultura”, “Nazustrich”, “No¬vyy Chas”, “Obrii”, “Ridna Shkola”, “Samoosvitnyk”, “Shliakh Vykhovannia i Navchannia”, “Ukrainska Knyha”, “Ukrainske Slovo”, “Ukrainske Yunatst-vo”, “Ukrainski Visty”, “Vistnyk”, “Zhinocha Dolia”, “Zhinocha Volia”, “Zhi¬nochyy Holos”, “Zhyttia i Znannia” and others. It was noted that in 1937 short stories on the writer’s death, obituaries, reports, and photo reports on the funeral, notes as well as correspondence on various events to honor his memory were published. Moreover, in the press there were published the writer’s private correspondence, memoirs about him, literary articles, and fiction. In some publications, the issues of language of the writer’s works, his political sympathies, shaping complete bibliography of creative heritage were raised. The specificity of V. Stefanyk’s presentation in these press materials, his private life, literary, public activity, etc. are emphasized. A special focus is put on epistolary materials, memoirs and chronicles published in the newspapers Dilo, Novyy Chas and Snip. As a result of the research, the main media images of V. Stefanyk were determined: a writer of world fame, an active public and political figure, an empathetic personality, an admirer of family values and family traditions, a patriot of his native land. The study emphasized that the study of posthumous press materials will help researchers to shape an objective understanding of how V. Stefanyk (as a person and a writer) was perceived by his contemporaries. The analysis of these publications draws attention to the issue of speculation by certain political forces in Galicia (in particular, the Ukrainian Socialist-Radical Party) of the writers’ authority in order to gain authority in society. Moreover, the study of materials pub¬lished in the press in 1937 and subsequent years can be an important basis for molding social memory of Vasyl Stefanyk.

Keywords:Vasyl Stefanyk, Ukrainian press, Galicia, media images, com¬memorative memory.

Full text

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