Українська English


Svitlana Oleksiv, Junior Research Associate, Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv
Halyna Melnyk-Khokha, Junior Research Associate, Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv

Structure of requests for services of documents electronic delivery in the Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv during the Covid-19 pandemic

The article describe the features of servicing library’s remote users during the Covid-19 pandemic. The library staff faced a number of complex tasks, as such challenges have not yet arisen. The situation required prompt adoption of non-standard and creative decisions. The way of providing the service “Electronic delivery of documents” was worked out by methods of appeals, consultations, exchange of experience with colleagues in Ukraine, study of world practice.
The main methods of comparison, synthesis and analysis are used in the research. The information on the main stages of “Electronic delivery of documents” in the library is presented. The new forms and directions of work in remote service of remote readers have been introduced.
Here is shown the dynamics of growth and territorial distribution of requests for the service of electronic delivery of documents in the library and information services of remote users during the introduction of quarantine restrictions Covid-19 in 2020–2021. During the Covid-19 pandemic, this ser¬vice enabled librarians to quickly reformat and establish remote work with remote readers, provide appropriate sanitary and hygienic conditions for the library, focus on mostly electronic communication, remote customer service.
Electronic delivery of documents was introduced in the library in 2016 as a paid service, the cost of which is determined by the “List of paid ser¬vices provided in the V. Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv and tariffs for them as of 08.09.2021”.
This service provided an opportunity to simultaneously form an insurance fund for digital copies of Library documents. The resource of the insurance fund is formed to preserve digital documentary information. The basis of the service has the technological instruction “Way to perform electronic delivery of documents to remote users”, which regulates the sequence of operations of the process of electronic delivery of documents in compliance with applicable law and without violating copyright laws.
The structure of requests for EDD service of remote users for the whole period of service is given. The prospects of using this service to meet the in¬formation needs of users are determined.
The Library improves organizational measures and practical models of “Electronic delivery of documents” in conditions of limited access in order to implement the operational needs of remote users and to prevent the spread of acute respiratory disease in Ukraine Covid-19.

Keywords: library, information space, electronic delivery of documents, remote reader, service of remote users, paid services, electronic communi¬cation, Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv, Covid-19.

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