Українська English


Myroslav Romaniuk



The development of Ukrainian press under Romanian rule during interwar period attracted much attention of Galician journalists due to the similar conditions experienced in Galicia ruled by Polish Republic. This article describes distinctive features of problematic and thematic aspects of Ukrainian press functioning in Bukovyna region and their reception by Dilo newspapers’s journalists. The author analyzed information materials including notes, announcements, reports covering the facts about Bukovynian press on a broad socio-political background. Either analytic and journalistic materials were examined. Thereby all materials concerning this problematic and thematic area were devided into several groups: materials (mostly problematic articles) about the situation of the Ukrainian press in Bukovyna region, represented in the context of socio-political issues; articles covering general press publishing problems; articles about separate publications, which characterized the problem-thematic features of journalistic texts; articles dedicated to prominent figures of the press movement, in particularly journalists, editors, publishers. Analytical and journalistic materials, written by Dilo newspaper journalists confirmed the difficult conditions for the Ukrainian press in Bukovyna region, the features of its creative impulses and functional failures.
The author stated that that journalistic materials of Dilo newspaper contained a significant amount of information that allows not only to clarify the characteristics of coverage of this topic, highlight important press issues, describe the specifics of presenting this information, but also to fill gaps in the history of Ukrainian press functioning in Bukovyna region, to supply it with new information that has not been recorded before in other historical sources.

Keywords:  Ukrainian press, Northern Bukovyna, interwar period, history of the press, journalistic materials, readership.

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