Українська English

Volodymyr Kachkan
Doctor of philological sciences, Professor,
Head of the Department of Ukrainian Studies and Philosophy
Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
(Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)


Military documentary prose by Mykola Lepky

The article examines the essayistic legacy of Mykola Lepkyi and his war-documentary prose. The research is based on accurate biographical information, substantiated by archival documents and familial testimonies found in private correspondence and published memoirs. Specifically, the work «Z voiennoho zapysnyka» is scrutinized, encompassing documentary evidence of events during the First World War and representing, in our estimation, a noteworthy augmentation to the memoirs of that epoch, particularly distinguished for its distinctive approach to the meticulous depiction of historical occurrences.
Utilizing extensive archival material, recollections from the author’s daughter, manuscripts, newspaper publications, and Mykola Lepkyi’s notebooks, an effort is made to reconstruct the writer’s biography within the contemporary realms of domestic literary criticism and scholarly investigation into the history of Ukrainian literature.
The outcomes of the conducted research have enabled the illumination of heretofore underexplored facets of M. Lepkyi’s biography, concurrently augmenting analysis of the writer’s creative legacy with a novel interpretation of his memoirs.

Keywords: biography, political and cultural activities, essay writing, World War I.

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  1. Lepka-Yuzviakova, Tetiana. Pamiati moioho batka [In memory of my father], Pryvatnyi avrkhiv V. Kachkana. Fond Lepkykh, Unit III–M (in Ukr.).
  2. Lepkyi, Mykola. Z voiennoho zapysnyka [From the war diary], Pryvatnyi avrkhiv V. Kachkana. Fond Lepkykh, Unit I–M, p. 2 (in Ukr.).
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  4. Promova M. Lepkoho vid 4 liutoho 1933 r. [Speech of M. Lepky dated February 4, 1933], Pryvatnyi arkhiv V. Kachkana. Fond Lepkykh, Unit II–M, p. 1 (in Ukr.).
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  6. Smyk, Roman. Spohady [The memories], Pryvatnyi arkhiv V. Kachkana. Fond Lepkykh (in Ukr.).
  7.  Uhorchak, Yu. (1993). Mykola z rodu Lepkykh [Mykola from the family of Lepky], Halychyna, 7 hrud. (in Ukr.).
  8. Lebenslauf, Derzhavnyi arkhiv Ivano-Frankivskoi oblasti, Fond R-38, Inventory 1, Case 10, p. 20–21 revers (in Germ.).
  9. Personalfragebogen, Derzhavnyi arkhiv Ivano-Frankivskoi oblasti, Fond R-38, Inventory 1, Case 10, p. 22 (in Germ.).
  10. Sterberkunde (11.03.1945 r.), Pryvatnyi arkhiv V. Kachkana. Fond Lepkykh, Unit V–M, p. 7 (in Germ.).