Українська English

Vasyl Gabor
Candidate of Science in Philology
Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientifi c Library of Ukraine in Lviv
(Lviv, Ukraine)

A wide range of publications about the life and work of Taras Shevchenko in the Transcarpathian press of the 1920s-1930s have been analyzed, focusing on the biblical and literary context. The study reveals that among the vivid indirect and direct biblical images, allusions, and comparisons, the following conditional groups are present: 1) comparisons of Shevchenko with Jesus Christ, Moses, apostles, prophets, and martyrs; 2) comparisons of Shevchenko’s Ukraine with the Promised Land; 3) comparisons of Shevchenko’s earthly path with the crown of thorns; 4) comparisons of the collection “Kobzar” with the Bible (the second Bible) and the Gospel (the second Gospel) of the Ukrainian people. Among the vivid indirect and direct comparisons of Shevchenko with world writers, the following conditional poetic pairs are distinguished: 1) Shevchenko and ancient authors (Homer and Horace); 2) Shevchenko and J. W. von Goethe; 3) Shevchenko and A. Mickiewicz; 4) Shevchenko and A. Pushkin; as well as 5) Shevchenko and O. Dukhnovych.

Leading Transcarpathian journals such as «Vinochok dlia Podkarpatskykh Ditochok», «Karpatska Pravda», «Narodnia Syla», «Nash Put», «Nasha Zemlia», «Nasha Oborona», «Nedelia Rusyna», «Podkarpatska Rus», «Prosvita – Shevchenkovi», «Rusyn», «Ruska Niva», «Svoboda», «Ukrainske Slovo», «Uchytelskyi Holos» dedicated over twenty articles to Taras Shevchenko, incorporating biblical and literary context.

In their publications, M. Brashchaiko, A. Divnych, I. Nevytska, I. Pankevych, A. Shtefan, P. Yatsko, and others actively used biblical imagery and literary parallels to interpret the creative heritage of Taras Shevchenko and his significance for the national revival of Transcarpathian Ukrainians.

Keywords: Transcarpathian press, Taras Shevchenko, Subcarpathian Rus, biblical images, poetic pairs, Alexander Pushkin, Alexander Dukhnovych.

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