Українська English
Roman Blikharskyi
PhD in Social Communications
Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientiffi c Library of Ukraine in Lviv
(Lviv, Ukraine)


The article describes a paradigmatic model of scientifi c research, which consists of a system of beliefs held by scientists, concepts, theoretical models, epistemological positions, methodological techniques and axiological principles that determine the spectrum of scientifi c approaches to the study of media phenomena.

It was found out that scientists dealing with the problems of social communications must take into account the complexity of the object of study, and the research process itself must be designed in such a way that, having defi ned principles, directions, clear disciplinary frameworks, a proven theoretical and methodological base, it also had the opportunity for interdisciplinary interaction to be adaptive to current problems and scientific tools.

In the article, the paradigmatic meta-theoretical approach is considered as one of the effective ways of organizing a system for solving ambivalent tasks that may arise when conducting press studies. The main modern approaches to the construction of theoretical-methodological and epistemological models for the study of journalistic and socio-communication issues on an interdisciplinary, polyparadigmatic basis are analyzed, and the dominant research paradigms on the basis of which the study of mass media abroad is conducted are characterized.

A number of advantages of using a paradigmatic approach in the organization of press studies and in the eff ective exchange and representation of acquired knowledge are outlined, in particular, adjustment of the process of studying the press, systematization of concepts, theories and methods of its study, determination of scientifi c standards for conducting press studies, etc.

It was determined that an important task of solving problems related to the paradigmatic orientation of press studies is to conduct a meta-scientifi c analysis of domestic scientifi c works on communication studies in the future, which will allow to reveal contradictions and consistency between the basic and operational elements of research in order to fi nd and correct the optimal model of media and press studies.


Keywords: press studies, journalism studies, social communications, scientific paradigm, metatheory, metascience, mass media, press.

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