Українська English


Zoriana Haladzhun

Сandidate of Social Communication Sciences, Docent Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine)


Abstract: The paper describes the history of the nation-wide legal journal «Pravo Ukrainy» and its editorial board from 1922 to the present day. In 1992, after Ukraine became independent, the journal’s editorial board decided to change the title to «Pravo Ukrainy», under which the Ukrainian version is still being published. During certain period the journal was also published in English and Russian. In addition, the editorial board initiated other legal publications – collections of works, academic and practical journals, publications for children, in particular «Filosofiia prava i zahalna teoriia prava», «Yevropeiske pravo», «Yevropeiskyi sud z prav liudyny. Sudova praktyka», «Pravo SShA», «Pryvatne pravo», «Porivnialne pravoznavstvo», «Visnyk Konstytutsiinoi Asamblei», «Medychne pravo», «Alternatyvne vyrishennia sporiv», «Akademichni pravovi doslidzhennia», «Pravova systema Ukrainy: istoriia, stan ta perspektyvy», «Studentskyi yurydychnyi zhurnal», «Abetka prava», «Pravobukvaryk», «Pravovisnyk Ukrainy», «Zbirnyk aktiv yevropeiskoho prava».
The author examined the content of periodicals and noted that all of them were published in Ukrainian, besides the journals «Pravova systema Ukrainy: istoriia, stan ta perspektyvy» with articles in English, and «Alternatyvne vyrishennia sporiv», the first issue of which was published in Ukrainian and the second one in Russian. Some periodicals contained Russian or English versions («Pravo Ukrainy» (Russian, English), «Pryvatne pravo» (Russian, English), «Pravobukvaryk» (English), «Mizhnarodne pravo» (Russian, English), which sometimes were different from Ukrainian. The majority of publications had their contents in two languages, like «Mizhnarodne pravo», «Alternatyvne vyrishennia sporiv» in Ukrainian and English or like «Pravo Ukrainy», «Filosofiia prava i zahalna teoriia prava», «Yevropeiske pravo», «Pravo SShA», «Pryvatne pravo», «Porivnialne pravoznavstvo», «Visnyk Konstytutsiinoi Asamblei», «Medychne pravo» in three languages – Ukrainian, English, Russian. In addition, some issues contained articles in Russian («Porivnialne pravoznavstvo» and «Akademichni pravovi doslidzhennia») and in English («Filosofiia prava i zahalna teoriia prava»).
It was confirmed that the publications’ content determined their reader audience consisted of judges, civil servants, lawyers, researchers, teachers, graduates and university students. The «Pravobukvaryk» collection and the magazine for children «Abetka prava» were the exceptions as designed for children (from 3 to 7 years old) and youth.

Keywords: legal journal; press; magazine; journal; scientific and practical journal; publication for children.

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