Українська English


Kobryn Nataliia

The Ukrainian periodicals of Galicia on Ostap Nyzhankivskyi’s musical activities in the 1880s


The paper aims to analyze the areas of Ostap Nyzhankivskyi’s musical activities in the 1880s via a prism of the publications in «Dilo» and «Zorya» press publications. Their content and main topics as well as the aspects of his music career have been systematized and analyzed.

Research methodology. The historiographical, chronological, comparative and analytical methods are employed to analyze the publications on musical topics in «Dilo» and «Zorya», as well as to explore the early stage of Nyzhankivskyi’s musical activities. Findings. The first musical performances of O. Nyzhankivskyi in Lviv were featured in the «Dilo», specifically, in the reviews. These were the evening event at «Academic Brotherhood» in December 1884 and the concert in honor of Olexandr Konyskyi in January 1885. He was distinguished immediately as a choir conductor as well as a composer with his own choral works.

At this decade Ostap Nyzhankivskyi was a conductor of the choir «Akademichne Bratstvo», worked with the society «Zorya». Additionally, he participated in the concerts of Academic Gymnasium and Theological Seminary as a conductor and a composer. Some music critics compared performance skills of the choir under the direction of Ostap Nyzhankivskyi to the most famous choral society of Lviv «Lutna». We know about many concerts Ostap Nyzhankivskyi participated in, and of his rich repertoir as a conductor. Specifically, from the press reports we learned about active concert activities of O. Nyzhankivskyi, considerable conductor’s repertoire and almost annual premiers of his new compositions ― choirs, solo performances and vocal duets. As a conductor he popularized works of the Ukrainian composers, specifically, such Galician ones as M. Lysenko and P. Nishchynskyi. According to listeners and musical critics, the most effective and resonant of his own works were the choral piece «Hulyaly» on Y. Fedkovych poetry and the vocal duet «Do lastivky» on the poetry by Volodymyr Navrotskyi. The authors of in-depth critiques on early Nyzhankivskyi orks were P. Bazhanskyi and V. Matyuk.

Some press reports were on topic of functioning of the first Ukrainian musical publishing house in Galicia «Muzychna bibliotheka» cofounded by Ostap Nyzhankivskyi. It edited 17 volumes of the Ukrainian musical works during the period of 1885―1892s. One of the first musical critiques authored by O. Nyzhankivskyi was dedicated to the memory of the Ukrainian composer Denys Leontovych.

Conclusions. We conclude that the versatile musical and creative activities of O. Nyzhankivskyi became one of the decisive drivers of the intensive development of national music in the Western Ukraine. It promoted a rise of the Ukrainian national consciousness and intensified a cultural life of the Galician Ukrainians.

Keywords: Ostap Nyzhankivskyi, Ukrainian periodicals, music art, musical critics, concerts.

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