Українська English


Brailian Nadiia

Ukrainian student journals of the interwar period in the Czechoslovak Republic as a source for the martyrologist of
Ukrainian emigration


The article investigates periodicals of Ukrainian students in the Czechoslovakia in the 1920s and 1930s — reveals 19 titles of journals that were published in the cities of the largest concentration of academic youth: Prague, Podebrady, and Brno. A list of these publications in alphabetical order, indicating the place of publication and the years of publication, is given in Appendix 1. All of these journals were reviewed de visu and analyzed for biographical publications on Ukrainians who died and were buried in the Czechoslovak Republic. The following materials have been found on the pages of five student publications, namely: «Ukrainsky Student» (Prague, 1920, 1922—1924) — contains 3 publications, «Studentsky Vistnyk» (Prague, 1923—1931) — 15, «Zhyttia» (Prague, 1924—1926) — 1, «Nasha Hromada» (Podebrady, 1924—1926) — 7, and «Natsionalna Dumka» (Prague, 1924—1927) — 5 publications.

The deceased’s information was mostly printed in obituaries with more or less detailed biographies, but there were also small essays, memoirs, brief reports of death or funeral, and so on. Often, such information was published under a separate heading called «Memory of the Dead» (or «Posthumous News» or «Obituary»).

In general, the pages of these student journals revealed information about 25 Ukrainians who were buried in the Czechoslovak Republic during 1923—1929. Based on the published information, an alphabetical index of these persons with biographical information about them was compiled (25 surnames, «Appendix 2»). The materials found are a valuable (and in many cases, the only) source of biographical information on Ukrainian immigrants who died and are buried in the Czechoslovak Republic, as well as helping to establish and preserve their burial sites.

Keywords: Ukrainian students, Ukrainian emigration to the Czechoslovakia, periodicals, interwar period, Ukrainian burials in the Czech Republic.

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