Українська English


Zoriana Nakonechna
Candidate of Social Communications
Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientifi c Library of Ukraine in Lviv
(Lviv, Ukraine)

The article examines the peculiarity of the coverage of theatrical life in Galicia in the «Novyi Chas» newspaper (Lviv, 1923–1939). The subject of the materials offered to readers is analyzed, and determines their genre affiliation, among which, in particular, with articles and reviews prevailing among them.

Newspaper publications dedicated to the activities of theaters and organizations involved in the development of theatrical art in Galicia during the 1920s and 1930s are considered. These included: the «Ukrainskyi Teatr» cooperative (Lviv) and the «Prosvitianskyi Teatr» society (Sokal). The articles are mentioned, particularly those that raised topical issues of the theater sphere at the time, such as the lack of a repertoire that would contribute to the national development of society and limited funding.

The circle of authors of «Novyi Chas» are outlined, wich consisted of publicists, theater critics, and cultural figures who have made a significant contribution to the development of Ukrainian theater and actively popularized it among the public, particularly A. Budzynovskyi, P. Lysiak, S. Chernetskyi.

Keywords: Theater subjects, performance, the audience, «Novyi Chas» newspaper, «Ruska Besida» society, article, review.

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