Українська English


Galyna Gromova, chief of department, The Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, city of Lviv

Archival heritage of Sheptytskyi family in the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv: the issue of establishing archival collections


The article demonstrates, based on valid sources, that archives of Metropolitan Bishop Sheptytskyi and his closest associates, as well as collections of documents from church institutions, which existed on St. George Hill, were in 1946 divided into at least three parts.

The biggest part (that had a potential investigative basis), was moved to the accounting and archival department of NKVD, and from there in 1954, 1972 and 1976 it was transferred to CSHAL.

Route of the second part is closely related to archival institutions specifically. During the first post-WWII years documents of the abolished UGCC ended up in the State Archive of Lviv Oblast, as during that time it was a central archival foundation in Lviv. Further movement of these materials to archival institutions in Kyiv (namely, CSHAK, VNLU) during the second half of 1940s and their return to Lviv at the beginning of 1950s is well traced due to accompanying documentation present.

Third part of documents essentially didn’t leave Lviv. It was kept in the Metropolitan Palace during 1946–1951, and was later moved to CSHAL for safekeeping. Some parts of it were and still are in various libraries and museums throughout the city.

Constant migration of documents, related to the figure of Metropolitan Bishop Andrey Sheptytskyi and the history of UGCC, as well as barbaric treatment of this archival heritage from people not qualified to handle it during first post-war years led to quite negative consequences — internal structures of collections of documents were damaged, their integrity violated, and as a result — loses were imminent.

Due to documents arriving at CSHAL haphazardly at different times, they were assembled into newly created fonds using an intricate thematic and chronological approach.

Highlighting the problem of moved documents of the church allows not only for further search for scattered archival fonds and collections, but in a larger sense — for a new look at the history of scientific institutions that kept and are still keeping safe the handwritten heritage of the past.

Keywords:  Metropolitan Bishop A. Sheptytskyi, Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, archive fonds, moved materials.

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